昨年の4月と11月に曼荼羅茶で魂を揺さぶる歌と演奏を披露してくれたハルカバードの春の箏のコンサートの案内になります。 今回は新曲、ミュージックビデオにもなった箏の弾き語りによるポップスのカバー曲、即興などを演奏してくれます。
Mandaracha is happy to announce another concert by Haruka, a truly gifted resident artist who enchanted us with her koto, piano improvisations and soul stirring voice in her last concerts. This time she will be sharing new songs on the koto, a beautiful cover song, and improvisation with voice in her repertoire.
-------------- “ We came to create heaven on earth.” -Haruka
I get true joy in sharing soulful songs and beautiful music with many I hope that you come for this special experience with us at this beautiful vegan Tea House
----------------- 日時:4月08日(土) 17:00 場所: @kyoto_mandaracha ミュージックチャージ: 3000円(税込) ビーガンデザートとお茶付き
お問い合わせはメールまたは電話でお待ちしております。 電話:075-285-3283
Please join us for this special Koto concert:
Date: April 8th Saturday Time: 17:00 Concert with Tea and Dessert Price: JPY3000 per person (tax inc) Place: Mandaracha (Vegan Tea House)
*Limited seats, reservation is recommended.
Call or message us for more information. Tel: 075-285-3283
FaceBook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/770720421249459
Haruka's Social Media:
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/haruka_bird/