Rakugo with Cyril Coppini at MANDARACHA
Saturday 25 March from 4PM
Show including Tea and dessert: ¥3000
Reservations: 075-285-3283 info@mandaracha.com
Important note: this show is in Japanese language. For a show in English or French language, please check the artist's webpage for his future tour dates.
Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1217263495544284
Presentation of the artist:
Originally from Nice, Cyril started learning Japanese in Highschool. Like Obélix, he fell into it when he was still young.... In the early 90s, he attended INALCO in Paris and during his university studies won a scholarship from Shinshū University which allowed him to spend a year in the city of Matsumoto, which he shamefully squandered on karaoke and izakaya (Japanese bistros).
In 1997, he settled permanently in Japan (Fukuoka, Tokyo and Osaka).
As a Rakugo artist since 2011, he regularly travels France and the French-speaking world to help people discover in French this still unknown art form. He also performs in Japan, Thailand and New Zealand.
Since September 2022, Cyril is a member of the English Rakugo Association https://en.englishrakugo.com/
Cyril also translates manga (Le Rakugo, à la vie, à la mort, nominated for the Konishi Prize 2022 for the translation of Japanese manga into French; Detective Conan; Wild Police Story; Criminal Apprentice, and more) and video games (Danganronpa V3; Trails of Cold Steel V3; Dark Souls RPG, and more). He performs regularly on television (NHK World) and on Japanese FM band radio.
For more information, please check Cyril Coppini's website: